Saturday, February 20, 2010

"The Cowboy The Music And His Story"

I wanted to thank Tom and Connie for stoppin' by last night to play a bunch of music.
After our time of playing there were a lot of questions and thoughts about stories and songs that were done. One of our guest from Virginia made a comment that it wasn't just music he experienced, it was the stories that went with the music, the campfire, and thoughts that takes a person back in time. When you sing a song about grandma bakin' sugar cookies and who wants to lick the spoon, you can't help going there for a minute. Tell a story about a camp fire and you just might remember a great time in days long past. We continue to make memories right here at the ranch. Like Tom our singer said "If I'da known I would have had this much fun in retirement I would have done it twenty five years ago." Ya'll head on out to the ranch and we'll make some memories.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Wild Hog Explosion"

The Wild Hog Explosion is coming to Bandera March 2o at Mansfield Park. You can get all the information at .