Friday, May 18, 2012

"Two Seat Saddle"

Leave it up to Joe Bob to have a two seat saddle made.

1 comment:

  1. You can read this story about Mexico, Joe Bob's horse

    I don't guess I have ever seen him without a pair of spurs, hat, and faded starched jeans. Never questioned whether he had any cowboy in him, that's just the way it is. It's been sixty years now since Joe Bob first sat a saddle seat, and about four in the morning he crawls out of the bunk, heads out to feed the forty five head of horses here at the ranch. Lookin' out across all those horses is one that stands out from all the rest, black as my twenty year old black felt hat, a horse he calls Mexico. When he saddles Mexico crawls up in the saddle it's like one of those old cowboy pictures where the cowboy sits deep down in the seat just like he is a part of that old horse. That's old Mexico and the story of how he found him is just what you would expect out of a far fetched cowboy story.Since this is just a short blog I guess we'll have to finish this story another time.
    Posted by Buck's Blog at 12:23 PM 0 comments
    "Mexico" Part Two
    Mexico laid his head on Joe Bob's shoulder. Sometimes I wonder if he could remember the day Joe Bob saved him out of that river.The story is, Joe Bob was cowboyin' down on the Rio Grande. He looked over in the middle of the Rio from a long distance. It was early in the morning and you could see the water sparkle as the sun came up over the rise. Something jet black was standing on the far side of the river. They could hardly make out what it was. The closer they came they realized it was a horse stuck on the Mexico side of the river. Weak from being in the water so long, they didn't know if he would have enough energy to be pulled out. Joe Bob threw a rope around his neck and tried to pull him out, but it was too much for the horse. His head went under water and it looked like that was it. But the horse had heart and the cowboy didn't give up. Joe Bob jumped into the water, grabbed the horse's head, pulled it up out of the water and wouldn't let up. The other cowboys threw out their ropes and put them around the horse's neck. As they pulled he thrashed around and was finally pulled out of the water and mud. That's where his name came from, Mexico. No one ever claimed him. Mexico still follows Joe Bob everywhere he goes. It's like I said "He sits deep down in that saddle seat just like he's a part of that O'l horse".Joe Bob and Mexico still work here at the Flying L Guest Ranch.
